the Grow Yourself Up Podcast
a podcast to support all of us in our adult lives
Many of us did not get our needs adequately met in childhood. The devastating legacy of childhood trauma, wounding and traumatic stress lives on in our brains, our bodies, our nervous systems and our behaviour/reactions impacting the way we turn up to our lives in many ways.
We are going to unpack all of this on Grow Yourself Up. This podcast will be a companion as you journey on your own road of healing and recovery.
You will learn you are not alone. Someone has been where you are. There is hope.
We will break down shame together and learn to cultivate self compassion. There is always the possibility for change. And regardless of what has happened in our past, as adults we have to take responsibility for our own lives.
We have to tend to our pain, our sadness and our dysfunction so that we can live a life we love and shift toxic patterns for our children.
Each week we send out journal questions based around the podcast’s topic. If you would like to receive these questions, please sign up here.
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Looking for a specific topic or guest? Search below:
Ep 22: People Pleasing Patterns In Our Lives and Careers with Tamu Thomas
In this episode Cath is joined by her first guest, Tamu Thomas (Live Three Sixty). Cath and Tamu talk about Tamu's experience of motherhood, how she has grown herself up and how people pleasing turns up in her work and home life.
Ep 21: People Pleasing and Parenting
The beginning of this episode focuses on how, when we are perfectionists, we often don't stop and appreciate what we have done/completed/achieved. We just rush onto the next thing.
Ep 20: Why are Boundaries so Integral to Needs? (Re-release)
In episode 20 we look at why learning to put down boundaries is an essential part of actually getting our needs met. This episode (which is a re-release) is packed with suggestions, tips and ways to support yourself around boundaries and needs.
Ep 19: Balancing Our Own Healing with Raising Kids
In this episode, Cath looks at how we can balance our own healing with raising children. She shares an analogy which might help you tend to your needs, especially if you struggle to allow yourself to prioritise your needs, because you learnt how to put your needs last. Cath explains why looking after yourself is vital and an important role as a parent.
Ep 18: The Most Important Ingredient in Post Traumatic Growth
In this episode Cath reflects on how, when we are on a healing journey, the most important thing in the present moment is to develop a warm, supportive, loving relationship with all the different parts of ourselves.
Ep 17: Part 3: Making Decisions in Our Adult Love Relationships
In this episode Cath talks about decision making in our adult love relationships.
She talks about friendship, the important role of mentalisation (Peter Fonagy and Anthony Bateman) and shares a really useful tool for decision making.
Ep 16: Unwinding from Overdoing and Rest
In this episode Cath discusses how overdoing, overworking and being constantly busy are ways in which many of us have learnt to manage life. We operate with our nervous systems in the ON position all the time, never giving ourselves space and time to recuperate.
Ep 15: Resilience, Joy, Processing and Witnessing
In this episode Cath encourages listeners to develop resources for themselves to assist them on their own healing journey.
Ep 14: Trauma, Understanding the Impact of Childhood Trauma and Research
In this psychoeducational episode Cath talks about trauma, what it is, the way it has been conceptualised and changed over time. And why it is important to understand.
Ep 13: Part 1: Post Traumatic Growth, Decisions and Careers
In this episode Cath talks about a simple assessment framework we can use when making decisions (about careers) and everything else in life.
Ep 12: How Do I Start to Meet My Needs? (Re-release)
Coming into relationship with our needs is a process, an ongoing investigative journey.
Ep 11: Part 2: Maintaining Our Love Relationships in Early Parenthood
In this honest and personal episode Cath looks on a more granular level at some of the challenges of being present in our own adult love relationships after having children.
Ep 10: Part 1: Maintaining and Nourishing Our Love Relationships in Early Parenthood
In this searingly honest and personal episode Cath looks at the challenges of being present in our own adult love relationships after having children.
Ep 9: Why Is My Window of Tolerance Narrow (Experience Dysregulation) And How Can I Help Myself?
Episode 9 is a continuation of the psycho education from episode 8.
Everyone needs to know about their windows of tolerance and get to know their own nervous systems.
Ep 8: Window of Tolerance, Co-Regulation
Episode 8 is focused on psycho education to assist you in understanding yourself and your responses. In this episode Cath explains our windows of tolerance, how they are formed and what impacts them.
Ep 7: Shifting Patterns in our Families: Things to Hold in Mind
Those who are working to shift toxic cycles in their own lives and in their families are called 'cycle breakers' on social media.
Ep 6: Words of Encouragement for the School Holidays and Holidays
In this episode Cath discusses what a shift we need to make as parents around holidays. Episode 6 is a continuation of some of the themes from Episode 5 and it can also stand alone.
Ep 5: Words of Encouragement for the Hard Days
In this episode we discuss hard days in parenting and how often our coping mechanisms from childhood can make these days harder.
Ep 4: Needs, Boundaries and Consequences of Not Meeting Needs
In episode 4 we continue with the theme of needs and this episode is packed with suggestions, tips and ways to support yourself around boundaries and needs.
Ep 3: Joy, Our Window of Tolerance And Re-Patterning Our Nervous Systems
Cultivating joy is a really important aspect of healing and recovery. As well as working to change dysfunctional patterns in our lives it is also important to bring in that which nourishes us, sustains us, and brings in love and beauty.
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